A man who engaged in sexual activity with a teenager has been placed on the Sex Offenders Register for seven years.

Preston Crown Court was told that 19-year-old Joseph Farran gave the girl a "love bite".

Farran, of Tarbert Crescent, Blackburn, admitted the offence and was also sentenced to three-months detention suspended for a year and was ordered to do 40 hours unpaid work for the community.

Steven Wild, prosecuting, told the court the offence took place on March 3 when the girl was at a house Farran had visited.

There was drinking by the occupants and drugs taken. The girl had also been drinking and had been sick.

Farran asked if she fancied him and she accepted that she did.

He gave her the bite and said there had been consensual activity and she had given him a love bite.

Virginia Hayton, defending, said Farran, a full time dairy worker, had been frank with police.

The girl was supposed to be at a friend's house, but had deceived her mother.

Farran had thought she was 16.

Judge Andrew Blake told Farran: "You were taking advantage of a young girl who was plainly affected by drink.

"You were older and the responsibility is yours not to behave in that way.

"The law takes a serious view of this."