A DARWEN man is appealing for help to discover when his historic farmhouse was built.

Roy Riding and his wife, Irene, moved into Lower Tree Farm, off Manor Road, by Bold Venture Park, 28 years ago.

But it was only recently, after renovating the property and its surroundings, that he has begun to explore its 16th century origins.

After building a porch at the front of the old farmhouse, Mr Riding said he decided to engrave the date the cottage was built in a stone above the door.

But he hit a stumbling block dating the oldest part of the house.

Roy, 77, said: “The original bit of the building is the old chapel. The rest was built in 1723.

“I don’t know when the first part was built. I think it was about 1597 but that has not been confirmed.”

In trying to find out about the origins of his home, Mr Riding said he had made several interesting discoveries.

These included that in the late 19th century, the landscape around Bold Venture Park was a lot different.

Manor Road and Inverness Road were just bits of track running around the park, and Lower Tree Farm was the only house on that side of the park.

At the turn of the century, the owner of the park and the farm, the Rev William Arthur Duckworth, agreed to sell the land to the Corporation of Darwen. It became a public park and the surrounding roads were built.

Mr Riding said he discovered all the information when he found the documents at Darwen Library.

He said: “The Rev Duckworth owned this place and the park and he sold it to the corporation in 1906.

“Nobody knows anything about this place.

“But if it was built in the 17th-century, there were only five houses in Darwen then.

“I never thought my home would be of any historical interest.

“Now I just want someone to throw some light on it.”

Roy is a retired engineer who jointly set up Cowie and Riding Engineering more than 40 years ago.

He and Irene, 74, have a son and two daughters, seven grandchildren and a great grandson.

If you have any information on Lower Tree Farm, email daniel.clough@nqnw.co.uk.