CARING women across the Rossendale area have been battling it out for the chance to be named Woman of the Year 2012.

Rossendale Hospice has been searching the Valley for outstanding individuals to be awarded the prestigious title.

Scores of nominations were received and the committee have named Sheila Dewhurst, Anne Cheetham OBE and Carolyn Shepherd as their shortlist.

The winner will be unveiled on May 18 at aceremony to be held at the Red Hall Hotel, in Ramsbottom.

Sam Morris, Community Fundraising Manager said: “We were completely overwhelmed with the amount and the quality of the nominations we received this year.

“It just goes to show how many inspirational women there are in Rossendale.

“The decision was really difficult.

“But we believe the shortlist represents the wonderful members of our community. And it gives them the chance to receive the recognition that they so richly deserve.”