EMPTY homes — the worst of which has been boarded up for 12 years — are set to be refurbished and offered to first-time buyers in Burnley.

Compulsory purchase orders are now being progressed for 21 properties across the borough as part of work to bring vacant properties back into use.

Councillors have approved proposals to extend a purchase assistance loans scheme to cover the scheme.

Househunters have been able to apply for up to 20 per cent of the cost of a home, or £30,000, whichever is the greater sum.

The list of homes subjected to CPOs include 50 Carter Street, in Gannow, which has been boarded-up for 12 years.

Others being targeted for a takeover are in Nairne Street, Cog Lane, Burdett Street and Elmwood Street.

Regeneration director Mike Cook said: “We want to try and improve our Vacant Property Initiative (VPI) by making these homes available, in limited numbers, for first-time buyers through purchase assistance loans.”

Coun Peter McCann, housing and regeneration cabinet member, said: “We need some innovative thinking to bring these properties back into use at affordable prices for people in Burnley.”

Loans are repayable later if the property is sold on, repossessed, or the owner dies and are only available to owner occupiers.

There are another 35 homes already identified and acquired for refurbishment as part of the VPI scheme.

The council is sharing in an East Lancashire initiative, which received Housing and Communities Agency funding, which will see a total of 68 empty properties revamped.