NEIGHBOURHOOD police officers are tackling community concerns in Haslingden.

Residents are invited to visit their local neighbourhood policing team on May 29.

Police priorities for the area include anti-social behaviour and youths gathering to the rear of Haslingden market and behind the shops on Higher Deardengate, and anti-social behaviour at The Close, Rising Bridge.

The police team will be on board ‘STAN’ the van — a specially converted vehicle, aimed at bringing public services closer to communities.

It will be parked on John Street car park between 11am and 2pm.

STAN (Services To A Neighbourhood) is shared between Rossendale, Pendle and Ribble Valley Borough Councils supported by Lancashire County Council’s Help Direct and aims to help residents to find answers to a range of issues such as crime prevention and debt advice.

Community Beat Manager PC Claire Downs said: “We decided to re-launch the area’s PACT meeting.

"It will be run as a drop-in service rather than a formal meeting and we hope the public will feel more comfortable about attending and speaking with local officers.”

Future dates include July 10 and August 21.