THESE are the shocking images safety campaigners hope will leave a lasting impression on Blackburn with Darwen’s youngsters.

Over half the borough’s youths asked in a survey admitted they don’t wear a seatbelt and ask ‘why should they?’ Now, hard-hitting street theatre events are being staged throughout the borough, showing the consequences of not belting up.

They feature smashed up cars and young actors with realistic makeup, depicting horror injuries.

The events are being supported by on line social media activity and young people are to be encouraged to put their comments and thoughts on Twitter or Facebook.

Special split image ‘lenticular’ postcards where the image changes when they are moved to show ‘before and after’ a crash where no seat belt is worn, will also be distributed in schools and colleges.

Graham Campbell, casualty reduction manager, said: “We have to instil in them the possible life changing consequences that not wearing a seat belt may have if they are involved in a crash."