THE FATHER of a toddler attacked by a dog while she played in a public park said he ‘feared that she had lost an eye’.

Little Lulu Parker, who was one in February, was with her father Alex, 36 at the Erskine Road recreation ground near her home on Harpers Lane, Chorley, when the attack happened.

Mr Parker, said: “It was a sunny day and Lulu enjoyed the swings and slide. Then she was having a toddle around on the grass.

“I noticed a smallish dog off the lead and was immediately wary so I called over to the group of three or four adults who were obviously with the dog.

“I asked if the dog was friendly and a man replied yes, that it was just ‘playful’.

“I went over to Lulu, and stood between her and the dog, I remember her over balancing and landing on her bottom.

“At that moment the dog jumped up close to her and I heard a bark. Lulu began to cry and as I picked her up I was horrified, I could see blood bubbling out of a puncture wound on her lower eyelid and her mouth was filling with blood.”

Lulu was taken to Chorley Hospital where the wound was cleaned she was given antibiotics.

The dog in question is described a Jack Russell type with white and sandy coloured markings.

“Thankfully there was no tear to the skin, so it shouldn’t lead to a bad scar,” said Alex.

“At first I thought that it had got her eye, it was really upsetting. I’m angry that my daughter was injured while in a public area through no fault of her own.

“This dog is obviously dangerous and I hope that the authorities do everything they can to prevent the animal from harming another innocent child.

“It’s affected Lulu and all our family, she’s had night terrors and a disturbed stomach since.”

Police and Chorley Council confirmed that they are investigating the incident.

Jamie Carson, the council’s corporate director of people and places, said: “I would like to reassure the Parker family and our residents that we take dog attack incidents very seriously.

“We have and we will continue to prosecute wherever possible.

“I would urge people to report dog attacks to Chorley Council on 01257 515151.”