SARAH Kelly found herself in a position which will be familiar to many young mums.

With four daughters all under 12, one of whom needed extra care as she suffers from dyspraxia, it meant the 32-year-old could not continue with her career as a care worker, which she had been for a number of years.

Instead Sarah was faced with the challenge of not only finding a job, hard enough in the current economic climate, but one which offered her the flexibility she required to meet the demands of family life.

Salvation came in the unlikely form of becoming an Avon representative.

In less than 12 months Sarah has not only established her own patch with more than 60 regular customers, she is now an advanced sales leader for the cosmetics company responsible for recruiting 40 agents across the North West — including a number of men.

Sarah, from the Longshaw area of Blackburn, said: “I had to find a job that would fit around everything that goes with having a young family. Like many women, I’d always bought the odd Avon product but then I saw something on the website about become a representative and I thought I’d give it a go.

“That was about 12 months ago and I really didn’t have very high expectations of it but I haven’t looked back since.

“As a mother of four there isn’t much you can do that will work around everyone. I was always referred to as 'mum' or 'wife of'. I wanted to be something else, something for me.

“I started Avon unsure of what it actually involved and unsure if I could make it work. I found out that I could fit it in around school pick-ups and drop-offs, doctors' appointments and everything else life throws at you.”

The image of the Avon lady has changed dramatically over the years, with the company now reaching more than six million women in the UK every three weeks via their sales brochure.

“People get the wrong idea and think it’s all sales targets and lots of pressure,” said Sarah.

“But you are completely your own boss. I’m self-employed and I can basically choose to work when I like, which is brilliant. To know I don’t have to work to set hours is great.”

Sarah receives a new brochure every three weeks which she then has to distribute to all her customers.

“The beauty of it is I can decide when I take them out and when to collect them,” said Sarah.

“So if I know I have an appointment with my daughter Jessica I can work around it. We have 18 campaigns a year, which works out at one new book every three weeks.

“I’d say I now have around 60 regulars and, to be honest, I don’t see them as customers. They are more like friends. I can be walking round town and people will stop and talk and loads of them are my friends on Facebook.

“When the orders come through I have to store them at home before taking them out. With four girls you can imagine how excited they are at having so much make-up in the house.”

As an advanced sales leader, Sarah has brought a whole team of Avon representatives to the company.

“I’ve got one or two Avon men as well as Avon ladies around the North West,” she said. “Actually, my Avon men are among the best performers.

“For me the whole thing has worked out brilliantly. I love what I do.

"I never dread getting up for work and it allows me to work around my family and gives me a good income.”