THIS is all getting embarrassing. From player fall-outs, to contractual issues to duff signings, a lot of people connected to Blackburn Rovers football club should hang their heads in shame.

Every club has issues at times in the season with certain players but the amount of problems Rovers have had suggests something is inherently wrong at the football club.

Chris Samba, Keith Andrews, El-Hadji Diouf, Jason Roberts, Michel Salgado and now Gael Givet have seen ‘issues’ stop them from playing at the football club when they were needed most. How can this be right?

I’m not for one minute suggesting Givet is blameless in the situation at the weekend that saw Steve Kean deem him ‘not in the right frame of mind to play’. No one except those two know exactly what was said.

But the fact he is just the last in a long line to have had ‘problems’ under the Venky’s regime can surely be no coincidence. It simply can’t carry on.

No one can argue, whatever their thoughts on Kean and Venky’s, that the situation at the club at the moment is not absolutely farcical.

On Saturday they were ‘supposedly’ so short of players they had to name an injured player in Martin Olsson on the substitutes bench, while field as many as five players out of position during the 90 minutes.

Yet in the stands was experienced centre back/left back Givet, fit but not available for selection. Former Real Madrid and Spain defender Michel Salgado is desperate to be involved again but not allowed due to ‘contractual issues’, and summer signing Simon Vukcevic. Well, we don’t actually know where he is at the moment.

Given the above, and this is only half of it, is it any wonder Rovers fans have been more than slightly aggrieved at the way the club has handled itself from top to bottom?

It now seems as though it has all finally got to the players as well because the last few performances have been anything but a team full of belief that they can survive in the Premier League.

The fire looked to have gone out of them at Swansea, like it had at West Brom and Bolton, with the likes of Steven Nzonzi looking as though what had gone with Givet had got to him.

The miracle is Rovers still have a chance of staying up, mathematically anyway. The gap is not unbridgeable.

Rovers’ fate might already be sealed but the least any fan expects is for their football club to give their all until it is all over – and that means playing your best players.

Givet has to play against Norwich City. Whatever happened last weekend, both have to be big enough to swallow their pride for the good of the club.

Salgado should be brought back into the fold. Fair enough he may not be match fit, but his involvement with the squad at least would bring some much needed passion and experience.

This is the last chance saloon. The slate needs to be wiped clean and Rovers fans deserve to see their best players out there against Norwich.