A CRACKDOWN on unsafe taxis was launched by police in Accrington over the weekend.

Police officers, HM Revenue and Customs and council officials took part in the operation after concerns were raised by passengers.

Police said Hyndburn residents contacted cou-ncillors in the borough after riding in taxis they feared were unsafe.

The crackdown included a five hour roadside operation on Friday at Eagle Street in the centre of Accrington.

Both neighbourhood, response and roads police took part, while VOSA vehicle inspectors gave vehicles a once-over. HMRC officers were also checking for taxis using red diesel to save money.

PC Lee Haworth said: “We were checking everything, from mot-oring offences like speeding, to unsafe vehicles. Residents have been in touch with local councillors with some concerns so we are responding to what the council has asked us to do. By getting all the partner agencies toge-ther it enables us to tackle different types of problems all in one go.” The work follows a previous operation that saw 50 warning notices issued for failing to wear a taxi badge, not displaying signs and for having no fire exting-uisher or first aid kit.

PC Simon Grounds said: “There are more than 420 licensed taxis in Hyndburn, most of which are operated and driven properly and by drivers who take great care of their passengers.

“Unfortunately there are some who are less stringent in their stand-ards and it is them we are targeting.

“This operation is all about safety, both for the driver and passengers.”