AN EAST Lancashire property developer has called for tougher measures on metal thieves.

The businessman, based in Colne, who did not wish to be named, was mentioned in Parliament by Pendle MP Andrew Stephenson during a debate on metal thefts.

Thefts of metal from his properties has cost him around £100,000 in the past two years.

He said: “It has had a big impact on my business. As soon as they see ‘for sale’ or ‘to let’ signs up they are in and stripping out whatever they can get their hands on.

“They think they have got a right to go in and steal anything off value, but it is damaging industries, and stronger action has to be taken.”

One empty commercial property in Colne was damaged so badly last year that it had to be demolished after the thieves had left.

Speaking in Parliament, Andrew Stephenson said: “In Pendle, metal theft has become a major concern of the local council and police. They have both told me that it is now one of their top priorities.

“The leader of the borough council, Coun Mike Blomeley, wrote to the Secretary of State in November to describe the problems that we were having in Pendle and call for a ban on cash payments. I am pleased that the Government have announced that that will happen.

“Coun Blomeley wants the criminal justice system to focus on the impact of the crimes on individuals and communities, not the value of the metal stolen.

“In Pendle, historic churches such as St Mary’s in Kelbrook have been stripped of lead. Boilers, pipes and outside taps have been ripped from both occupied and unoccupied homes.

“Some businesses that have been targeted are now struggling to cope, putting many jobs at risk.”