A COUNCILLOR has called on Burnley MP Gordon Birtwistle to step down from his town hall seat after only attending 25 per cent of meetings.

But the outraged MP has said at least one of his absences helped to secure £9million for Burnley’s new University Technical College (UTC) development.

He was urged to quit by Brunshaw Labour councillor Mark Townsend at a full council meeting at Burnley Town Hall.

Coun Townsend said he thought it was ‘a bit rich’ for Liberal Democrat Mr Birtwistle to ‘grandstand’ about his efforts to regenerate the town.

He said: “He has not been representing his ward in this council chamber - from figures given to us at the last full council he only had 25 per cent attendance.

“If he does not want to be part of this council then he should stand down.”

But later Mr Birtwistle, who still represents Coal Clough with Deerplay ward on the borough council, said he had no intention of quitting.

“One of the meetings I am said to have missed is when I took the decision to remain at Westminster because we were discussing the money for the UTC,” he said.

“The council meeting is important but not as important as securing £9.5million for the college.

“I have always had a good attendance level before but when it comes to fighting for the UTC, support from the Regional Growth Fund for the Todmorden Curve and the new railway station then that is just as important.”

Currently the council is finely balanced with 21 members of the ruling Lib Dem group, 18 Labour, five Conservatives and one British National Party representative.