VILLAGERS have failed in their pleas for road safety measures to be introduced along a ‘danger’ road in rural Burnley.

Road signs and white lines were always planned when Tetlow Developments began to convert Barcroft Hall, off Park Road in Cliviger, into seven new homes.

But county council highways engineers have ruled that the markings and signpost to the secluded entrance to Barcroft Hall are not necessary, based on accident statistics.

And the builders, now converting the barn at Barcroft Hall into an eighth property, have won the right to axe the road safety measures, which they originally agreed to pay for.

Coun Cosima Towneley, who represents Cliviger with Worsthorne, said: “There is a problem here and just because no-one has been physically hurt does not mean that there have not been accidents.

“There have been problems with people going in and out of there already. People are not looking when they leave Barcroft Lane.”

Coun Tom Porter said: “It is a junction which is crying out for some signage because if there is not there will be accident there.”

Planning chiefs said there was no intention by the county council, as highways authority, to install the signs.

But Coun Tony Harrison said, as an ex-Cliviger Parish Council chairman, he did not believe there were problems with that particular stretch of Park Road.

Proposing the scrapping of the road sign and markings, he said: “I cannot see any point in taking money off developers when the county council is not going to use it.

“The parish council and councillors should be petitioning the county council.”

Rochdale based Tetlow said in its application it had held talks with a council official and it had been decided the changes would not have any benefit to the local area.