A CANCER-stricken bride has achieved her goal of walking down the aisle to marry the man of her dreams.

Kathy Nutter, 31, was forced to bring her wedding to Carl Morris forward after doctors told her she only had months left to live.

Yesterday, wearing a stunning gown, the primary school teacher, who has been wheelchair bound since Christmas, was given away by her dad John and brother Thomas.

Helped by crutches, the brave but joyful Kathy made her way down the red carpet carring her yellow and green themed sunflower and rose bouquet to a live performance of Fleetwood Mac's songbird, sung by her friend Rachel Walker.

The 200 guests smiled as the soon to be Mrs Morris met her fiancé Karl, who beamed as she took each step towards him.

They then took their vows together, with Carl telling Kathy he would love her for the rest of her life.

In reply, she said she would be there “through the good times and through the troubles for as long as I am alive.”

Kathy, who teaches maths at St John Southworth Primary School, Nelson, had beaten cervical cancer in 2010 after dozens of gruelling sessions of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

The former Habergham High School pupil was told she would never have children but she was relieved that the cancer had gone into remission.

But last year Kathy was hit by a secondary cancer in her leg, which spread to her kidneys, stomach, bladder and spine.

After the ceremony Kathy said: "It has gone fantastically well. I've not been nervous at all. It was emotional. It has been the best decision of my life. It feels nice to be married.

Carl, 40, who grew up in Wigan, said: "It has been gorgeous and emotional."

The couple, of Bridgefield Street, Hapton, were married at Bolton School, Bolton before holding a reception at Accrington Town Hall.

The newly-weds originally set a date of April 10 for their big day but brought the day forward because of her condition..

Because Kathy wasn’t working and Carl had to take time off from his job as an independent car trader to care for her, the pair struggled to make ends meet ahead of the occasion.

But friends and family rallied around to make sure the couple still had the wedding they wanted, with three of Kathy’s pals, Leah Massey, 27, Yvette Jameson, 28, and Sam Simpson, 23, organising a fundraising night at the Railway Inn, Hapton and a bag pack at Sainsbury’s in Burnley, which raised £2,288.

Kathy's mum and dad, Marion and John, from Hapton, said they were incredibly proud of their daughter.

Marion, 54, said: "It was magnificent. I can't put it into words. It was incredible watching her walk down the aisle. We can't thank everybody enough for their help."

John, 67, said: "I was almost tearful, it has been great. I never thought she would be able to walk down the aisle. Until a week ago she wasn't feeling at her best."

Chief bridesmaid Faye Ibbitson, 27, from Padiham, said the ceremony had been extremely moving.

She said: "It has been very emotional. She looked really beautiful. It is the happiest I have seen her."

Also dressed in green and yellow, as part of Kathy's colour scheme, bridesmaid Leah said: "It has been a beautiful day. We had a lovely time getting ready in the morning.

“The last few weeks have been focusing on this day and we are glad she had a lovely day. It is the happiest day of her life. It's been fantastic. "

Kathy has chronicled her fight against cancer in an online blog posted via the Macmillan Cancer Support website, in which she describes every step of her treatment to help others.

She has previously called for smear tests to be offered to women annually as she was diagnosed with cervical cancer two years after her last NHS scan.

Around 1,000 women die from cervical cancer each year in the UK and it is the most common cancer in women aged 20 to 29.