Day 1 Journey to airport and flight: A jovial crowd of 29 Cobras assembled at Clitheroe CC to set off to Manchester Airport and then onward to Dubai via Abu Dhabi.

Tarquin wasted no time in reserving the executive vehicle for himself, while the rest of us were busy loading the luggage on to the less fashionable minibuses.

An accident in Read and rush hour traffic meant that yours truly was beginning to “sweat” a little but the gods were smiling and arrival at the airport was achieved with time to spare.

Having successfully negotiated check in, the tour party did the honourable deed by indulging in a pre-flight burger and chips, the perfect start to a week in the sun, playing and watching cricket.

All this despite the desperate pleas of team wet sponge man and nutritionist, Tarquin Poole, who was advocating a salad sandwich and water!

The adults in the party who thought that the lads would get some sleep on the plane were to be severely disappointed, as the wide selection of movies and video games on offer kept the vast majority entertained and wide awake.

I was beginning to think that perhaps having a match six hours after landing in Abu Dhabi wasn’t such a good idea after all. At least Sam Mulligan nodded off (nothing new there). Maybe he could open the batting and the bowling and wicket keep as well.

He’s going to be the only fit player.

Good job we brought a squad of 13. I can foresee some lack of sleep-related substitutions while fielding in the first match v Repton School.

Good job it’s only a 20 over game. Can’t see the lads lasting the pace. I might even be forced to “don” the whites myself. Desperate times call for desperate measure.