A PENDLETON pub has come runner up in a prestigious real ale competition.

The Swan With Two Necks, in Main Street, was chosen in the top four pubs in the the UK in CAMRA’s National Pub of the Year competition.

Every pub serving real ale in the country was considered for the award and was judged on the quality and range of its beer as well as the pub’s atmosphere, decor and customer service.

The Swan With Two necks was put forward as the regional finalist for the Greater Manchester region, which includes East Lancashire, Bolton, Northeast Cheshire and East Cheshire.

Christine Dilworth, who runs the pub with her husband Stephen, said she was delighted that all of their hard work had been recognised.

She said: “We are very much a community pub, being in a village, and it is amazing how it brings people together from all over the place.

“We have been here for 25 years, which in itself is a massive achievement.

“I pinch myself and think ‘is this real?’ “We want people to come, feel welcome and feel at home - to us, that is what makes our pub so special.”

The pub is the local of Ribble Valley MP Nigel Evans, who said he was thrilled that the pub’s achievements were being celebrated.

He said: “It is incredible and at last they have had recognition for being the heart of the community in Pendleton.

“Steve is passionate about his beer and for this to be recognised by CAMRA is something that is over due.

“I could not be happier for them and I hope to celebrate with them with a nice cold beer.”

The Swan With Two Necks came runner up to the Bridge End Inn in Wrexham.

The Engineers Arms in Bedfordshire and the Front in Cornwall were also finalists.

CAMRA spokesman Jon Howard said: “Our judges were really impressed with the Swan With Two Necks.

“It is a fantastic community pub and it serves the needs of the the whole area.

“It has two really enthusiastic licencees who are devoted to running a really successful community pub. ”