A POSTMAN was repeatedly hit on the head with a rock and had his eyes gouged after accidentally splashing a pedestrian while on his rounds.

The incident happened on Wednesday at around 12.30pm, at a farm in Newchurch in Pendle.

Detectives have described the attack as a “serious and sustained assault”.

The postal worker was delivering mail to a farm and as he travelled down a track, he drove through a puddle and splashed a man who was out walking.

The walker became angry as the postman got out of his van to apologise.

Police said the walker then picked up a rock and approached the postman before striking him several times on the head before gouging his eyes.

The victim grabbed the rock and shouted at his attacker before the suspect walked away.

The attacker is described as white with a slim build aged between 50 and 60 years with balding hair at the front.

He was wearing a blue fleece type jacket and was carrying a black rucksack.

Detective Sergeant Nick Hodgson from Burnley CID, said: “It’s a minor miracle that the victim did not sustain more serious injuries.

“What we find interesting from speaking to the victim was that when he started shouting at the suspect, he went very quiet, almost child like.

“It may well be that this offender has learning difficulties and perhaps isn’t aware of exactly what has happened.

“Given this, I would also appeal to carers who perhaps look after people who they know like to walk in the area.”

The victim was taken to Royal Blackburn Hospital but had no major injuries.

People with information should call Burnley CID on 101.