POLICE are set to crush motorbikes which have been seized following a Burnley crackdown.

Eight bikes, which vary from a 600cc scrambling model to a two foot high mini-moto, are to be destroyed after complaints in the Stoops estate area.

Complaints of noise, disorder and damage became so common that the issue was named as the number one priority for the area in community meetings between police and residents.

One of the bikes was seized after officers found a 17-year-old boy riding it on a field at the back of Barclay Avenue.

PC Michelle Horne said: “Anti-social use of mini motos has been impacting heavily on the quality of life for many residents, particularly in the Stoops and Barclay Hills areas.

“Not only do they cause a nuisance to members of the community, but they can also be extremely dangerous to other road users and pedestrians.

“The users, are normally young men between 15 and 20 and they don’t seem to wear helmets or other safety gear.

“Anyone who rides a motorbike on a public road requires both insurance and an appropriate driving licence.”

PC Dave Pascoe said: “If you look at the land between the Harold Avenue and Griffin estate, there’s mud splattered on the walls of newly-refurbished houses from the bikes.

“There’s been huge investment in housing and communal areas and to have it churned up and full of ruts is not on.

“We will be holding similar initiatives in the future and I urge anyone with concerns about mini motos or anti social behaviour to contact police.”