DARWEN Town Council will spend £13,000 to give every primary school pupil in the town a china cup for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

The council was split at its meeting on Tuesday over whether the giveaway should take place.

But a narrow vote carried the motion and 4,000 cups will be handed out over the the jubilee weekend.

A similar initiative took place for the Silver Jubilee in 1977, and Coun Trevor Maxfield said it would be a nice gesture.

He said: “I was given one in 1977 and I’ve still got mine. It went in a cabinet and has been there ever since.

"It is a nice gesture and, with all the flags that will be put up in the town for the jubilee weekend, it will raise the profile of the town and bring people in.”

Coun Joan Helliwell also thought it was a good idea.

She said: “Darwen is a traditional town and we are trying to hold on to those traditions, as well as create new ones of our own.”

Coun Roy Davies said he also received a mug during the Queen’s visit to the town after her coronation in 1953.

But town council mayor Paul Browne said the cups were a waste of money. He said: “I am not against the idea, but I think £13,000 is a lot that could be better spent elsewhere.

“People might think I am being a killjoy, but I believe in looking after the pennies that people have put into Darwen Town Council.

“I know it is the jubilee and everyone is making big efforts, but I think it is a waste of money.”

The Queen’s Diamond Ju-bilee celebrations will centre on an extended weekend on June 2, 3, 4 and 5.