A CAMPAIGN to keep a Nelson church primary school in the same parish has moved closer to victory.

Parents, councillors and residents reacted angrily when Lancashire County Council unveiled plans to move St Paul’s Primary, in Hibson Road, to a new site over a mile away.

Education chiefs proposed to move the school to the former Mansfield High site, in Elland Road, Brierfield, to double the capacity to 420.

But after objections, talks are now taking place between county hall and Pendle Council over building a new school on the site of the former Edge End High School, which is on the same road as St Paul’s.

Coun Eileen Ansar, who has been heavily involved with the Save St Paul’s Campaign, said: “This would be fantastic news. It is what we have said we wanted all along.

“We have never been against the new school but we said it should stay in the parish, and building it on the Edge End site would make sure that happened.”

Lynn Mappin, head of pupil places at the county council, said: “We have listened carefully to the responses made during the consultation.

"While there were no objections to the proposal to expand St Paul’s to meet the increased demand for places, there were objections to the use of the Mansfield site.

“As a result, we are working closely with our colleagues at Pendle Council on a fresh proposal to move St Paul’s to the site of the former Edge End School, which is much nearer.”

Sports pitches and a pavilion are currently being built on the Edge End site, but Pendle Council said there was sufficient land to build the school as well.