NEIGHBOURS fled for their lives after a house fire ignited a gas pipe yesterday.

A dozen houses in Heap Street, Burnley, were evacuated during the blaze, which police suspect was started deliberately.

The early-morning fire was so fierce it gutted a terrace house and spread to other homes.

Flames were seen shooting from the home from the ground-floor window and door, while a gas pipe could be seen on fire in the front room.

Sadiq Miah, 34, who lives in the Duke Bar house next to where the fire started at around 6.30am, told of his ‘terror and shock’ as fire swept through his home as his young family slept.

The teacher, who lives with wife Fahima and son Sufyan, six, and two-year-old daughter Sadiqa, was awoken by the sound of his smoke alarm.

Mr Miah said: “It was terrifying. My first thoughts were for the safety of my children as the whole house was filling with smoke as the fire had spread from next door.

“I couldn’t see much through the smoke but as we got downstairs I managed to guide everyone to the front door and get out.

“The fire was raging through the house next door and windows were smashing with the heat, you could see the flames all through the downstairs.

“I was just so glad that my family got out unhurt.

“It’s so upsetting, my daughter was so distressed she couldn’t go to school.

“ I don’t know how badly damaged our home is and the fire and police people have sealed off the area and we’re obviously not allowed back because it’s unsafe.

“I think we’re going to have to split up and stay with family until it’s sorted.”

Five pumps, ambulances, police and utility workers all attended the incident. The street was closed all day, with neighbours in the affected houses being taken to, first the Chi Centre, and later the St Peter’s Centre in Burnley.

Burnley station manager Neil Mark said: “The fire involved a gas main which was well alight.

“The ground floor fire had spread to the upper floor and into the terrace next door.

“Because the fire involved a gas main this caused problems with our search and rescue.

“We needed to isolate the gas main which involved some digging to reach it.”

Another neighbour, 29, was awoken by the sound of screaming.

She said: “I heard shouts and screams and as soon as I got to the window a could see the glow of the flames.

“I’ve two children and I got them up straight away and we thankfully got out. Lives could easily have been lost here.

“I’m still at my neighbours’ house and in my dressing gown as we’ve not been allowed back in.”

A whole block of properties were evacuated as the area was sealed off throughout yesterday.

Wilma Waddingham, housing advice manager for Burnley Council, said an emergency plan was instigated to deal with those evacuated.

“We used the Chi Centre first as it was close by, but members of three households were then taken to the St Peter’s Centre as it is one of our ‘rest spots’.

“They were given food and drink and most have gone to stay with friends or relatives.

“I believe there were eight households who may not be able to return because of the damage and they will all be offered temporary accommodation.”

A 42-year-old man from Heap Street has been arrested on suspicion of arson with intent to endanger life.

He remained in police custody yesterday evening.