NO public toilets would be lost and charges would not be imposed for replacement wheelie bins in Pendle under a Liberal Democrat budget.

Lib Dem councillors have unveiled their financial plans early in the annual town hall finances tug-of-war.

Proposed charges for collecting bulky waste would not proceed and several community grants would be saved.

An extra £225,000 would be taken from council reserves to support the revisions, alongside £150,000 being made available through a staffing review and vacancies allowance.

Coun John David, Lib Dem leader, said: “Our proposals avoid devastating cuts to services by working even harder to find efficiency savings.”

He wants talks with council leader Coun Mike Blomeley and Labour’s Coun Mohammed Iqbal before the budget is set.

Labour and the Tories have declined to reveal their plans at present.

No party is in overall control in Pendle but Conservatives run the authority.