SOME of Pendle’s best-known landmarks look set to enjoy their day in the sun.

As part of plans to recoup more than £870,000 for council coffers, an investigation has begun into the merits of fitting solar panels on to the likes of Colne Market Hall and the Fleet Street depot in Nelson.

Environmental experts say that with a £300,000 investment, the borough could recoup savings of nearly three-fold over the next 25 years.

Just under £100,000 would be spent on installing the photo-volatic cells on the two venues, as well as Pendle Leisure Centre in Colne, under proposals set to be considered by councillors.

And by taking advantage of government funding for renewable energy sources, the scheme could pay for itself within a decade.

Bruce Corden, property services leader for housing agency Liberata, said in a report: “Installing solar panels is one way of reducing spending on energy – it also potentially provides an income stream.

“The council also wishes to reduce its carbon emissions and show publicly the council’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint.”

Consultants say the panels must be fitted on a south-facing roof or wall to gain maximum exposure.

Councillors on the borough’s executive will be asked tomorrow to authorise borrowing of £300,000 to fund the works.

An estimated 67,000kg of carbon dioxide would be saved across the three sites in an average year, it is claimed.

Under the Feed-In-Tariff scheme, the council would be guaranteed a minimum fee for all electricity generated, another bonus for any power exported to the National Grid and fuel bill savings.