SUPPORTERS across the Clarets community were united in their praise for Barry Kilby, after it was announced he was going to step down.

And many urged Burnley FC’s kingmakers to use Mr Kilby’s example as a template when it comes to naming his successor.

Lifelong Claret, broadcaster and former Lancashire Telegraph reporter Tony Livesey has known Kilby throughout his tenure.

He said: “In his time as chairman Barry has been wonderful for both the football club and the town of Burnley, a true ambassador.

“He was at the helm when myself and thousands of other Clarets fans had the best day of our lives, the Wembley victory in 2009.

“Barry is a lovely man with a great sense of humour and an absolute devotion to Burnley FC — but his health must come first.

“In terms of the future, there are fans on the board and I think it’s crucial that whoever takes over as chairman is close to the club.

“We’ve all seen the problems that bringing in outsiders with no affinity to the club can bring.”

Peter Pike, Clarets Trust chairman, said: “He has been a great chairman for Burnley FC – Frank Teasdale did a great thing when he found Barry as a successor.

“Obviously he helped to get us into the Premier League and he will be a hard act to follow. We need a Barry Kilby kind of figure, someone of the same calibre, to follow him.”

Alan Beecroft, chairman of Colne Clarets, said: “I think Barry has been an absolutely wonderful chairman and has done a wonderful job for the club.

“He will be sorely missed but it’s a long time to have that sort of burden. He was a chairman, he was a fan and you could trust him. We now need someone who is not out to make a fast buck but cares about the club.”

Neil Conway, of Boundary Clarets, added: “I’m a bit disappointed he’s stepped down because he’s done a good job for us.

“He’s always been fairly honest and I’m not 100 per cent sure we can expect that from whoever takes over.”

Phil Miller, of Accrington Clarets, said: “It is a bit of shock to be honest - Barry is a lifelong Burnley fan.

“He’s had his critics but he’s always had the club’s interests at heart. He has come to a couple of our club meetings and was never afraid to answer questions.”

Bev Todd, from Rossendale Clarets, said Kilby was a 'fans’ chairman' and would be difficult to replace.

“He’s done nothing but good for Burnley,” she said.

“He’s made a fantastic contribution and kept the supporters close. I remember on many occasions he would mix with fans at away games and would always stop and chat.

“He was the face of Burnley and whoever replaces him should follow his example.”