AN appeal in aid of two Burnley-born brothers with cerebral palsy – for a cash-strapped Lancashire respite centre – is on the lookout for disco kings and queens.

Joanne Greenwood says the assistance given by the Chorley-based Rainbow House has provided major benefits to her sons Andrew, 10, and Nathan, 9.

Andrew was born 12 weeks premature and suffered a severe brain haemorrage, before he was found to have spastic quadriplegia, a form of cerebral palsy.

Nathan was also born three months premature also spending several weeks in the same unit.

He recovered but after being sent back to Burnley General aged 14 months with a chest infection, his condition deteriorated, year on year, before his eventual diagnosis with cerebral palsy.

Joanne, now of Halifax Road, Todmorden, said: “Andrew and Nathan would not be where they are today without Rainbow House.

“They have been able to achieve so much and the charity has been such a great support for us, we need to be able to raise this money to allow them both to continue their progress.”

The Eccleston centre is running short of funds so the Greenwoods are staging a family disco at the Fielden Centre, Todmorden, from 5pm, on Sunday, as part of a £6,000 twin appeal on behalf of the brothers.