Madison Allan’s mum is to be honoured at a women’s event.

Samantha Allan, 36, has been chosen as a “Woman We Most Admire” by Blackburn-based charity Woman’s Voice, which celebrates female achievement and gives a voice to concerns.

She will give a five minute talk at an anniversary dinner on March 3, about her battle to help daughter Madison Allan, who died of the aggressive Neuroblastoma cancer on Boxing Day.

Wendy Smith, of Woman’s Voice, nominated Samantha.

She said: “Woman’s Voice took on the Madison Allan Appeal as a nominated charity, and we want to carry on raising awareness of Neuroblastoma.

“I admire the whole family for how close they are and how they have handled an extremely tough time with enormous dignity.

“Samantha doesn’t think she’s done anything special, but I have three children and I know I couldn’t have done what she has.”

Samantha, 36, of Lord’s Crescent, Lower Darwen, said: “I’m really shocked, but also honoured about the bravery nomination as I’ve only acted how any mother would in this situation.”

Other women to be celebrated at the event at Jans Conference Centre, Higher Audley Street, Blackburn, on March 3, are 7/7 bombing survivor Lisa French from Newcastle, and gang rape victim Mukhtar Mia from Pakistan.

Anjum Anwar, chair of Woman’s Voice, said: “We will be presenting each woman with a small trophy for their inspirational work.

“Samantha is our local woman whose strength and determination is inspirational.”

Woman’s Voice was set up three years ago and is run by 12 volunteers to look at women’s opportunities, forced marriages and domestic violence.