A CHILD sex offender banned from associating with youngsters regularly let a 15 year old boy visit his home, a court heard.

John Goodfellow, 52, had been given two jail terms and an indefinite sexual offences prevention order after molesting children. He flouted the order repeatedly, was recalled to prison and has now been given another jail term.

Burnley Crown Court was told how Goodfellow had not been alone with the teenager when he went to his home in the town and was not said to have interfered with the boy.

Goodfellow, then of Ada Street, had admitted five " specimen" breaches of the SOPO between last June and November, and had been committed for sentence by Pennine Magistrates.The defendant, who might not be released until 2014, was given a seven month sentence.

Sarah Statham, prosecuting, said under the SOPO, made in 2005 at Preston Crown Court, the defendant was not allowed to associate with or contact anyone under 16.

The 15 year old went to his home, where the group, including adults, would play a game with coins, during the summer holidays. He was said to have visited at least seven times.

Miss Statham said at no time did Goodfellow interfere with the youth, but the teenager told police he was aware the defendant was "gay" as there had been conversation of that nature whilst he has been in the house.

Goodfellow may have ordered some trainers for the 15-year-old from a catalogue, the court heard.

The prosecutor said: "This was behaviour which the crown say amounts perhaps to preliminary grooming."

She added the defendant was now on recall on the extended licence from his last custodial sentence, until 2014.

In 2005, he had been locked up for seven years for inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and in 2009 he got two years, with the extended licence, for sexual assault.

Philip Holden, for Goodfellow, said there had been no allegation the defendant invited the teenage boy to take part in sexual activity and adults had always been present.