RAWTENSTALL could become one of 12 towns transformed under recommendations from retail expert Mary Portas.

Last year, the retail adviser, who made her name in the BBC show Mary Queen Of Shops, was asked by the Prime Minister to lead an independent review into the future of Britain’s high street.

She came up with The Portas Review, a 28-point list of recommendations to turn round the fortunes of Britain’s town centres.

And now, Local Government Minister Grant Shapps has launched the Portas Pilots competition, based on the report.

Under the scheme, 12 towns or cities can bid for a share of £1million to become Portas Pilot towns.

Rossendale MP Jake Berry said Rawtenstall fitted the bill as it had the highest rate of vacant shops in the country.

He said: “This pilot scheme is a great opportunity for us to take charge of our town centre and use local knowledge and vision to make real improvements. I want Rawtenstall to be at the forefront of a new wave of regeneration and growth on Britain’s high streets.

“That’s why I’m calling on local people and businesses to join me in pushing for Rawtenstall to be a Portas Town. Successful bids will have a clear vision for improvement and demonstrate strong support and commitment from our retailers, landlords, council and community.”

Rossendale Council leader, Coun Alyson Barnes said planning was already underway to put a bid together.

She said: “Rossendale Council is very keen to put in a bid and get Rawtenstall listed as one of the 12 pilot towns.

“We currently have a team of officers looking to see if we fit the criteria.

“Rawtenstall’s Chamber of Trade is also very keen to get on board and we will all soon be getting around the table to see how we can make this work.

“I don’t think there is a great amount of money in the project, as £1million will be spread among the 12 pilot towns but it will definitely go along way in boosting Rawtenstall’s profile and giving the Valley a new dynamic.

“Plus obviously any extra funding is always welcome.”