IT really is a case of like father like daughter in the Tootell family.

And Andrew Tootell certainly knows where to look for one of his employees if she is late for work.

Daughter Elizabeth has been working with him for the past three years, since embarking on an electrical installation course at Blackburn College.

And Elizabeth proved she was a true bright spark by scooping a Blackburn College award.

Elizabeth, 20, of Garden Village, Darwen, won the Electrical Installation Shield for her excellent work ethic and commitment to her apprenticeship.

She works for her father, who owns AT Electrical.

She said: “I was pretty shocked to win the award, but I was happy.

“When I finished my A-levels I started looking at universities and I got put off.

“I went to look at the electrician course with my sister and I found it really interesting “Working with my dad is okay, it can be hard sometimes.

“It is better because I am not afraid to ask him things and I know him already, rather than having to work for someone I don’t know.

“I would like to take over the family business when my dad retrires.”

Mr Tootell said: “I am very proud, but she deserves it.

“She is further ahead than any of the lads in her class, and whenever they don’t know something they always go to her to ask for help.

“My other daughter, Catherine, was the one interested in becoming an electrician.

“But when she heard about the course, it put her off. But Elizabeth fancied it.

“Catherine ended up doing a fitting interiors course at Blackburn College.

“At times I am a bit harsher on her than others.

“I guess, being my daughter, I can say things to her I might not get away with with other employees.”

The former Darwen Moorland High School pupil is now taking her 17th Edition Inspection, Testing and Certification qualifications at Blackburn College.