A FUNDING boost is being used to help protect elderly people’s homes across the borough.

Age UK Hyndburn has received some funding to offer home security to older people in Hyndburn.

The charity is offering security equipment such as dummy surveillance cameras, five lever door locks and door chains.

Priority would be given to older people referred to Age UK by victim support, the police, fire service, social services or the charity’s own care and repair service.

However older people and their families will be able to self refer if they feel they are living in fear and it is affecting their quality of life.

The scheme is intended for vulnerable people over the age of 65 living in their own properties that may feel unsafe or have been a victim of crime or experiencing anti-social behaviour in their area.

Anyone over the age of 65 who would benefit from this scheme should contact Tracy McMorris at Age UK Hyndburn on 01254 871 010.