SEVERAL estates in the heart of Burnley are set to become 20mph zones after speedbusting proposals raised no protests.

Traffic will be slowed down across Burnley Wood, Rosehill, Fulledge and Brunshaw as part of the county council moves.

Trials of the new residential speed limit took place in Rosegrove, among other areas, late last year, and were judged successful by highway officials.

Under the new traffic orders, which received no objections, terrace streets across most of the south and west of the town will be 20mph only.

County environment director Jo Turton said: “Although there can be no guarantee that all vehicles will travel at or below 20mph, it is anticipated that a reduction in the speed limit would influence the speed of the majority of vehicles and enhance road safety.”

Earlier this year the Lancashire Telegraph reported how the numbers of child road casualties and fatalities was causing alarm in Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale.

The 20mph programme will be publicised in primary schools across the areas.

Community leaders will be encouraged to undertake speed surveys, to ensure the new measures are effective.

The cost of the traffic orders will be £29,200 and speed indicators displays will be handed out to residents groups as part of the work.

Proposals to introduce 20mph route outside all of Burnley’s primary and secondary schools are also in the pipeline.