PRINCE Charles’ commitment to Burnley will see the borough share in a £10million training programme for youth champions.

Youth United is aiming to ensure the East Lancashire town has enough trained Scout, Guides and cadet leaders.

And because of the area’s strong links with the Prince of Wales, Burnley was included in a list of just a dozen areas which are set to benefit.

For the next two-and-a-half years longstanding youth organisations like the Scouts, Girl Guides, St John’s Ambulance, Boys’ Brigade and air, army, police and sea cadets, can bid for a share of the £10million to meet their training needs.

The Prince’s charities have teamed up with the Communities Department and the leaderships of the various youth groups to launch the scheme.

Rod Jarman, the Youth United board’s chairman, said: ‘This is a wonderful opportunity for us to make a significant difference in youth provision in a number of areas.

“Through the unique partnership between a government department, a number of the Prince’s charities and the network of organisations we will be able to extend the opportunity for young people to volunteer.”

For the past seven years the Prince’s charities have made a significant difference to youth provision in Burnley.

This has ranged from backing breakfast clubs to fostering partnerships between schools and businesses and supporting army-led courses to steer potential young tearaways away from trouble.