FORMER Clarets goalkeeper Marlon Beresford has spoken of ‘missed opportuntities to save a life’ after ‘serious failures’ by NHS staff led to his brother’s death.

An inquest heard Dean Beresford, 44, died in July 2010 after staff failed to diagnose a heart attack despite him complaining of chest pains.

Issues about his treatment have led to changes in procedures and training for NHS Direct staff in the way they deal with callers.

Dean, a lorry driver, became a fan of the Clarets during his brother’s time at the club, watching games home and away.

He also became friendly at games with political adviser and fellow Clarets fan Alastair Campbell, who attended the inquest in Lincoln.

Marlon, who played 298 times for Burnley FC between 1992 and 2003, said: “He was a fantastic man. He simply asked for help but he didn’t get it.

“The circumstances of his death left us with many questions and those serious concerns have been justified by what happened at the inquest.

“There were several opportunities for his condition to be recognised and he was failed each time.

“A recording was played to the court of him clearly saying he had chest pains and yet this wasn’t recorded.”

The inquest heard NHS staff wasted four opportunities to send Mr Beresford for emergency treatment.

When he called NHS Direct, he said he was suffering chest pains, but the adviser typed ‘no’ to the category on a data base.

He then spoke to a nurse and a GP by phone and was seen by another doctor, who sent him home with antibiotics for a cough.

Less than two weeks later he collapsed and died.

A post-mortem examination revealed his death was due to a rupture of the heart caused by his untreated heart attack.

Clinical director of NHS Direct, Patricia Hamilton, said: “In hindsight, some serious failures were made by members of my staff. It was a failure in recognising the symptoms.”

Recording a narrative verdict, coroner Stuart Fisher there had been ‘serious deficiencies’ in Mr Beresford’s care.

Marlon added that the loss of Dean, his only sibling, continued to have a profound affect on both him and other family members.

“His partner Tina and their beautiful little daughter Isobella have had their future plans shattered,” he said.

“The coroner said he had questions about Dean’s death and I’m satisfied they were answered today.

“Changes which affect everyone using NHS Direct have been made and I hope they avoid mistakes which lead to such devastating consequences.”