FAMILY and friends of a five-year-old girl who has a rare form of cancer have launched a fund-raising campaign to send her on a dream holiday.

Shaylee Houghton is set to start seven months of gruelling radiotherapy and chemotherapy after she was diagnosed with a brain tumour, known as grade 4 glioblastoma multiforme.

It affects just 3 out of every 100,000 people.

Shaylee's mum Gemma, 26, said: "I have told Shaylee that she has a squidgy brain and they need to try and unsquidge it.

“It has been a horrendous time for us. Everything has changed.

"She has been in and out of hospital for the past few weeks."

Shaylee, who started year one at Holy Saviour Primary School on Tuesday, will start six weeks of radiotherapy at The Christie, Manchester, on Wednesday.

She will then have a month off before starting 30 weeks of chemotherapy.

Doctors have told the family there is only a 10 per cent chance the treatment will control the tumour.

Gemma, of Thursby Road, Nelson, said she first noticed Shaylee's left arm was trembling and took her to see her doctor three weeks ago.

She was tested for diabetes but a week later Gemma was still concerned as the problem was persisting.

She said: "We went to hospital and they lifted Shaylee’s arms before calling a specialist to look at it.

“She was sent for an MRI scan which revealed swelling on the brain.

“She then had a brain biopsy which revealed the cancer. It has all happened so quickly.”

The family have also been forced to cancel a holiday in Bodrum, Turkey, where they were due to fly out in four weeks.

Gemma said: “We always go to the same hotel so we know the staff there.

"They know what has happened and they have been really nice and supportive.

"They are going to try to help with fundraising.

“It is a shame we’ve had to cancel the holiday but there was nothing that could be done.

"We have to concentrate on this.”

Shaylee has been put on a course of medicine before starting the treatment which has had some side effects.

“The medicine is to build her strength up and I have already noticed she has put on some weight,” Gemma said.

A Facebook group called The Shaylee Houghton Fund Raising Group has so far attracted more than 1,000 members.

Sharon Morgan, Gemma’s best friend, said: “Because Shaylee is missing out on going to Turkey and hasn’t really had a summer holiday at all we are trying to raise money to send them on a holiday to remember.

“We have set up a fundraising committee and are coming up with ideas to raise funds.

"We’ve set up a Facebook group and within 18 hours it had over 1,000 members and it is still growing.

“We’ve been contacted by people from towns in the UK that we had never even heard of to see how they can help.”

Dozens of people from across the UK have already pledged prizes for raffles and tombolas.

Fundraisers will have a stall at the car boot sale at Hodge House Community Centre in Nelson, from 9am to noon on Sunday.

As well as items for sale, there will be a tombola and lucky dip.

Fundraisers have also got a dedicated mobile phone for anybody looking for information on activities.

They can be contacted on 07833 510488.