A ‘semi-commercial’ drug-dealer who sold cannabis to undercover police has been given six months to turn his Iife around.

Burnley Crown Court heard that Kane Hope, 23, father of a toddler, had never been in trouble before and was said to have been originally selling cannabis because he owed a drugs debt.

Then he carried on as he was hard up.

Hope, who struck three times and was involved in a fourth deal, has a job waiting and a judge gave him a chance to put crime behind him and move on.

The defendant, of Laithe Street, Burnley, admitted three charges of supplying cannabis and one of being concerned in supplying the drug.

Judge Jonathan Gibson deferred sentence to February 26.

He told Hope he had to keep out of trouble, obtain work, or show he had actively looked for it and must save towards the £350 costs of the case.