Bacup and Rawtenstall Grammar was thought to be the best performing school in East Lancashire, having secured 100 per cent A* to C grades.

99.33% achieved 5 or more A* to C grades including English and Mathematics while 23% of all grades were at A* level.

Their English Baccalaureate figure, the new government measure that shows the percentage of students achieving an A* to C in English, Mathematics, Science (dual award or two single Science subjects), a humanities subject and a MFL subject, was 89%.

This is an increase from 83% last year, and placed BRGS as the second highest in Lancashire.

Meanwhile 35 students achieved 5 or more A* grades.

Bacup and Rawtenstall Grammar School headteacher Trevor Elkington said: “We share the delight of our students’ in the wonderful GCSE results they have achieved.

“The hard work of the young people and their teachers’ has certainly paid off and they thoroughly deserve this high level of success.”

"Out of the top 35 students, all of whom have gained five A* grades or more, it is pleasing to note that 25 of these are boys as we have been working towards narrowing the gender gap in line with national initiatives.

"Nearly all of our Year 11 students are staying on into BRGS Sixth Form and these successes should enable them to approach their A level studies with real confidence and self-belief.”


T Acton 11 (11); M Aggett 10 (10); S Ahmed 10 (10); S Ali 10 (10); R Allcock 11 (11); C Allen 10 (10); S Allen 10 (10); E Ansell 11 (11); L Ashworth 11 (11); B Atueyi 10 (10); K Baines 11 (11); A Barlow 11 (11); M Bentham 10 (10); A Bowers 11 (11); E Braithwaite 10 (10); A Brew 10 (10); C Brown 10 (10); J Brown 11 (11); J Buick 10 (9); D Burns 11 (11); M Campbell 11 (11); R Camplin 10 (10); J Cappelli 11 (11); B Charmer 10 (10); B Chicken 10 (10); B Clarke 11 (11); I Clarke 11 (11); K Cliffe 11 (11); R Clifton 10 (10); L Coatman 9 (9); E Coleman 10 (10); B Collinge 11 (11); A Connearn 9 (6); M Cook 11 (10); S Copeland 11 (10); S Cross 10 (10); L Darrer 11 (11); R Davison 10 (10); O Dawson 10 (10); R Dawson 11 (11); L Dempsey 10 (10); D Devine 11 (11); J Donohoe 10 (10); J Earnshaw 11 (11); R Egan 11 (11); C Fagg 11 (11); M Faza 11 (11); M Francis 11 (11); C Freeman 11 (11); S Furminger 11 (11); D Gaffey 11 (9); C Gallagher 11 (11); B Geraghty 10 (10); T Goddard 11 (11); S Grcar 10 (10); J Greenhalgh 10 (10); A Greenwood 10 (8); S Halliday 11 (10); D Hartley 11 (11); T Hattan 11 (11); M Hayhurst 11 (11); C Heaton 11 (11); O Hebson 10 (10); D Hill 10 (10); J Holdsworth-Miller 10 (10); G Holt 11 (10); B Horkin 10 (7); L Horrocks 11 (11); G Hull 11 (10); A Islam 11 (6); T Jackson 10 (10); E Jesson 11 (11); L Jones 11 (11); J Kateryniuk-Smith 9 (9); M Kayley 10 (10); C Keown 10 (10); H Khan 11 (11); S Khan 10 (10); J Kielty 10 (10); S Kipps 11 (11); M Lake 10 (10); D Leach 11 (11); J Lee 10 (10); M Leivers 10 (8); M Lewis 11 (11); C Lofthouse 11 (10); H Lofthouse 11 (11); G Lucas 10 (10); T Mallinson 11 (11); S Marsden 11 (11); E Mcdermott 11 (11); S Mcdonnell 10 (10); T Mcmanus 10 (10); S Mirza 10 (10); F Mitchell 10 (10); O Morley 11 (11); D Mousley 11 (11); F Mulderrig 11 (11); A Nixon 10 (10); W Nowell 11 (10); J Nurney 10 (10); E Oldfield 11 (11); B Ormerod 11 (11); E Panton 11 (11); J Patel 11 (11); J Patel 11 (11); D Payne 11 (11); F Phillips 11 (11); E Pierce 11 (9); G Platt 10 (10); C Porter 11 (11); C Preston 11 (11); L Raidy 11 (11); H Ramsell 10 (10); A Rao 10 (10); C Richardson 10 (10); E Riley 10 (10); F Riley 11 (11); R Riley 10 (10); S Rogers 10 (9); T Ryan 11 (11); D Scott 10 (10); A Siddiki 10 (10); J Smithies 10 (9); T Spencer 11 (11); N Stanworth 11 (11); Z Stebbings 11 (11); L Strutt-Smith 11 (11); D Taubwurcel 11 (11); J Taylor 11 (11); O Taylor 10 (10); B Thompson 10 (10); C Tonge 11 (11); L Wakefield 11 (11); S Warburton 11 (11); L Watkins 11 (11); N Watson 11 (11); J Westerman 11 (11); E White 11 (11); E Whitham 11 (11); J Willetts 10 (10); C Williams 11 (11); J Williams 11 (11); A Wilson 10 (10); A Wilson 10 (10); M Woodfine 11 (11); O Woods 11 (11); E Wootton 11 (11); M Young 11 (11).