A SPECTACULAR mix of music, art and history came together last night to launch a new public square in Burnley.

Regeneration work has revived Sandygate Square, at the heart of the Weavers’ Triangle, and it is now being promoted as an open-air venue and picnic spot.

Mid Pennine Arts (MPA) relocated to the middle of the Sandygate area, from its traditional home underneath Burnley Mechanics, to host Dark Satanics.

And yesterday saw a celebration of the move, featuring live music and art installations, backed by the Arts Council.

Textile specialists from Artyarn unveil a knitted, crocheted and woven installation, which has been fashioned throughout July. Giant inflatables were brought to the square by The Spacecadets artists group and Urban Strawberry Lunch and baroque harpist Fiona Katie Roberts.

MPA’s business director Rob Carder hopes that the square can become a ‘creative and cultural hub’ in the coming years.

He said: “It represents Burnley’s heritage, but also Burnley’s future.”