A CAMPAIGN against a community centre has been launched by residents.

Plans have been submitted from the Beardwood and Lammack Muslim Society to build a two-storey building containing prayer room, library, meeting rooms and function rooms.

A similar project was thrown out by planners in 2007 after a campaign by neighbours of the site.

The proposals are for the car park of the former Beardwood Garden Centre off Preston New Road.

Letters have been circulated to residents nearby in a bid to repeat the 300 objections that were lodged against the previous application, which was for a slightly bigger project.

They said it is not in keeping with the already “overdeveloped” area.

One resident, who asked to remain anonymous, said they would rather see a community centre on the site that was open to all.

A statement released by the Muslim association stated: “In recent years, the Beardwood area has attracted residents from different faiths and backgrounds and this has resulted in approximately 35 Muslim households now happily residing in the area.

“The intention is to establish a small library and awareness programme for people from all faiths, and also of no faith, to come and hear and learn about Islam and what it has to offer.

“The project will be funded by the Beardwood Muslim community and no contribution will be sought from any public bodies.”

Ward councillor Michael Lee said: “The main concerns are about parking.

“There will be problems because cars will have to park on the road and it is too narrow there.

“I have spoken to a lot of people about this application and there are many concerns and worries.

“The project itself is not a mosque, it’s just a place where they can meet socially.

"And the scheme is smaller than originally planned but there are still concerns.”