A SHOPLIFTER caught red-handed today donated £10 to charity rather than face prosecution.

The 59-year-old man from Blackburn was stopped by security after stealing a £1 chocolate bar from PoundWorld in The Mall this afternoon.

Police arrived and negotiated a restorative justice agreement where the thief paid for the chocolate and gave £10 from his wallet to the shopping centre’s chosen charity, the East Lancsashire Hospice.

Town centre PC Leo Noctor said officers are encouraged by force chiefs and internal campaigns to consider alternative methods of disposal such as restorative justice if the circumstances merit it.

It is part of a push to cut court and custody costs and police time, as well keeping officers on the frontline and moving towards a common sense approach to policing.

PC Noctor said: “Obviously, if he had been a known criminal or repeat shoplifter and we needed bail conditions to restrict him from the town centre, then I would have made an arrest.

“But restorative justice in this case was an appropriate method of dealing with this man and it is money to a very worthy cause.

“The shoplifter was happy to do that and the manager of PoundWorld, Peter Nordoff, agreed to it because he wanted the man to learn a lesson and pay towards the inconvenience.

“No-one was left out of pocket except the offender.”

The thief agreed to write a letter of apology to store manager Mr Nordoff.

He is banned for life from PoundWorld and from The Mall for six months.

He had walked into the shop at 1.30pm, paid for some groceries, but slipped a chocolate bar into his jacket pocket.

Staff reported him to The Mall security who stopped him as he left.

He apologised and said he ‘had made a stupid mistake’, police said.

The Lancashire Telegraph is backing the hospice’s Raise The Roof campaign.

Fundraiser Sharon Crymble said: “I’m amazed. This is our most unlikely donation, but a really good idea.

"All these amounts add up.”