AROUND £215,000 could be spent on upgrading cycling facilities across Burnley and Padiham.

Councillors on Burnley’s Executive Committee are likely to give plans the green light next week.

The investment will be spent on several different schemes to provide cycle paths and links.

The schemes, set to be carried out this year, would complete the off-road link access between the Sweetclough Greenway and Padiham Greenway, linking the Padiham Greenway with business parks at Simonstone and Altham and upgrading the footpath along the by-pass from Shuttleworth Mead to Higham to allow it to be used by pedestrians and cyclists.

The existing path along River Drive and Lune Street, in Padiham, will be upgraded, £14,000 will be spent on improving the towpath along the Leeds Liverpool Canal, a short link between Padiham Greenway and Shuttleworth Mead will be built and minor upgrades to a number of paths and cycle tracks, such as including guard rails and barriers, will take place.