A COUNTRY park and nearly 300 new homes could be on the horizon for the site of a former chemical plant.

Town hall chiefs no longer want to market the old William Blythe works, off Manchester Road, Hapton, as an employment site.

They argue that because of the costs associated with cleaning up the former factory site, the only long-term solution is to create a new extension to Hapton village.

Planning official Margaret Whewell believes that up to 280 ‘well-designed’ homes could be fitted on to the Blythe’s land, which borders the M65.

And it is felt that such a project would complement the redevelopment of the nearby former Hepworth’s site, now known as the Burnley Bridge business park.

In a report, Mrs Whewell said: “The physical attributes of the site such as its location on the edge of Hapton, its canal frontage and its accessibility by public transport means that it is highly sustainable as a potential housing site.

"And in turn, its development can help to sustain services and facilities in Hapton.

"Furthermore, the Burnley Bridge proposals are likely to benefit from the complementary provision of housing nearby.”

Land swaps are envisaged to minimise the potential loss of greenbelt land and ensure proper separation between the nearby settlements of Padiham and Lowerhouse.

The creation of green routes from Hapton village centre and improvements to the Leeds and Liverpool Canal towpaths is also up for discussion.

Councillors have fought fly-tippers who have targeted the entrance to the former site.