A COUPLE who named their new son after 14 members of the Burnley squad are donating his earnings to help nurture the next generation of Clarets stars.

Fanatics Stephen and Amanda Preston hit the headlines earlier this year when they decided to name their baby Jensen after the long-serving Burnley goalkeeper.

The pair could not decide on a middle name so he was given those of every player who appeared in the opening game of last season against Nottingham Forest.

His full name is Jensen Jay Alexander Bikey Carlisle Duff Elliott Fox Iwelumo Marney Mears Paterson Thompson Wallace Preston.

A firm believer of putting faith in youngsters, Stephen had always wanted to help the club in its bid to bring through as many home-grown stars as possible.

Now, after being paid £100 by a national magazine for revealing the story behind baby Jensen’s name, he has been able to do just that.

Stephen, who lives with his family in Colne, said: “After we’d been in the Lancashire Telegraph, Real People got hold of me.

"Because it is a magazine there was a fee involved, so when we got the money we decided it would go to Burnley’s youth development.”