A PENDLE primary school is well on its way to pulling itself out of special measures following its latest inspection.

Earby Springhead Primary, led by headteacher Dawn Liversidge, has been found to be making ‘good’ progress by education watchdog Ofsted.

The latest, and third, monitoring inspection since the The Bailey Street schoolwas placed in special measures in March 2010, found teaching was ‘mostly good’ and no lessons were ‘inadequate’.

The inspection verdict comes just weeks after parents staged a protest outside the school calling on urgent improvements or the head leave the school.

Previously, inspectors failed to find sufficient improvements had been made in September and January.

Inspector Sonya Williamson said: “The progress that pupils make and the quality of their learning have both improved since the last monitoring visit.

“Consequently, they now achieve better and the attainment of pupils in the current year six is broadly in line with national expectations and exceeds them in some respects.

She added: “The quality of teaching is improving well.

"Teaching observed was mostly good and none was inadequate.”

Headteacher Mrs Liversidge said: "We are all absolutely delighted with this report and it couldn't have come at a better time.

"The inspectors spoke to the parents last week in a calm environment and I think both sides were happy with the exchange.

"I'm glad to say that I've also had some very positive conversations with parents since then.

"I think everyone's mind is at rest as we finish term – which is just what we want.

"The report is official confirmation that we are on the right track.

"The children are all looking forward to their summer holidays and we're looking forward to welcoming them back in September to continue the good work."

Lancashire County Councillor Susie Charles, cabinet member for children and schools, said: "I know our advisers and consultants have been working closely with the school for the past 18 months.

"I am very pleased to see that all their efforts, coupled with our support, have brought about this improvement."