VOLUNTEERS who help the police were honoured at a ceremony.

Chris McKiernan was commended for his work with Blackburn’s South East Neighbourhood Policing team.

He has recently become a special constable and gives 10 hours a week, including training new volunteers.

Special Constable Paul Shoreman was also commended for his work with Great Harwood’s Neighbourhood Policing Team.

Paul works an average of 50 hours each month, including PACT meetings helping the communities of Clayton and Altham.

Also recognised were the Longridge CCTV system volunteers Janice Welch, Mick Bell and Helen Stringfellow.

They monitor the camera, obtain and record images of crime and direct police resources to the scene.

The Safer Travel Unit was awarded for their work targeting anti-social behaviour on public transport.

The Accrington-based team is made up of Special Constables who cover both Eastern and Pennine Divisions.

Chief Superintendent Bob Eastwood who hosted the ceremony said: “Our volunteers are a fantastic asset to both the police and community.

“Their work is invaluable and the impact they have on our communities cannot be underestimated.”