A TERRIFIED woman was allegedly thrown into some mud and raped twice on a night out in Burnley, a jury was told.

The alleged victim claimed her attacker appeared from nowhere, took hold of her jacket sleeve and pushed her to the ground.

She bounced off the mud, landing on her back. The woman, who is middle-aged, said the man told her to perform a sex act on him, smacked her across the face a couple of times and had intercourse with her, Burnley Crown Court heard.

The woman, who lives in Burnley, told the hearing she had not cried out during her alleged ordeal as she had been frightened.

She said she was left upset, in shock, dazed and was 'walking about'. She was bruised, had a lump on her head and had lost her shoes and handbag.

Reece Renton, 19, of Pine Street, Burnley, denies two charges of rape, last November.

He claims the sex was consensual, that the woman started it and there was no violence at all.

His barrister alleged to the court the woman, who, she said, had been flattered by the attentions of a young man, had had a bruised ego and hurt feelings after the 'ungallant' defendant just got up and walked off after the encounter.

Tina Landale, for Renton, claimed the alleged victim had begun to regret what had happened after she had been 'abandoned' and was crying out of shame and humiliation.

The woman told the jury the alleged assault happened near the Lower Tentre area, as she made her way to a pub.

She said she had been going from pub to pub alone and had drunk some wine, lager and double vodkas that day. The alleged victim, who said she used cannabis from time to time, had told police she had not been drunk.

Cross-examined by Miss Landale, the woman denied she had been feeling sexy or a 'bit tipsy' in a pub before the incident. She said she was in a good mood.

She said it was not true she had been ‘repeatedly groping’ herself in the pub, checking herself out in a mirror, fixing her hair and 'preening' herself.

The woman said she 'definitely' didn't ask him to her home for a drink.

Miss Landale suggested the woman had been on Temple Street, by the time the young man from he pub had caught up with her, she had beckoned him over and the pair ended up standing by a church wall.

The woman denied the suggestions.


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