BARRIERS are set to be erected to prevent a Hyndburn beauty spot from constant fly tipping.

Unadopted roads leading to Foxhill Bank in Oswaldtwistle has been subjected to large scale rubbish dumping for decades.

The ongoing problem has seen policing operations carried out in the area and surveillance cameras used.

However the ongoing issue has led to plans to install vehicle barriers at the ends of Coach Road and Foxhill Bank Brow.

A method of allowing access to residents and the emergency services is currently being developed, using either a mechanical or electric lock.

Funds of between £5,000 and £8,000 have been dedicated towards the project, from Hyndburn Council’s Invest to Save budget, as the authoprity hopes to recoup the costs from money saved cleaning up the fly tipped waste.

The problem has also caused damage to the surface of the roads.

Oswaldtwistle councillor Peter Britcliffe said: “The Coach Road, in particular, is so bad.”

The two unadopted streets link Blackburn Road in Church with Union Road in Oswaldtwistle and provide access to homes, businesses and two public bridleways.

A report on the problem by council engineer Bill Porter said: “Intensive efforts have been made to apprehend (fly tippers), however continuous surveillance of the entire lengths of these roads is not viable. The proposed vehicle barriers will prevent access except by those having legitimate reason.

“Whether the combination lock will be either mechanically or electronically operated has yet to be finalised. The alternative is to increase levels of surveillance and policing. This has been rejected because of competing demands for resources, ongoing cost and likely limited success.”

The plan has been costed and rubber stamped by Hyndburn’s cabinet, but is still dependent on consultations with residents, Lancashire County Council and the emergency services.