A MILKMAN was left stranded when a thief drove off in his vehicle while he was on his rounds, a court was told.

Burnley magistrates heard how the self-employed victim had left the keys in the ignition of the £6,000 Toyota Yaris while he took milk to a house on July 7. He then saw the car, loaded with milk worth almost £70, being reversed at speed up Girvan Grove.

The hearing was told that later that day, the vehicle was used to carry stone flags stolen from a firm in Edenfield.

Mark Butterworth, who had been at the wheel, was banned.

When the car was recovered, it was extensively damaged at the back and was full of mud from the flags.

The defendant, of Ellis Street, Burnley, admitted theft, aggravated vehicle taking, no insurance and driving whilst disqualified, all on the same day.

He was given 12 weeks behind bars, suspended for a year, with a four-month curfew, between 7pm and 7am each day.

He must pay £265 compensation and was banned for a year.