AN East Lancashire businessman has spoken of his pride after winning a Queen’s Award for Enterprise.

Khalid Saifullah was handed the top honour at Buckingham Palace for his role as strategic partnership manager at Business Link North West.

He also helped develop the Asian Business Federation which now represents 1,200 members and launched a company called Enterprise4all that has helped more female and Asian business start ups.

Mr Saifullah, from Blackburn, said: “It is a great honour and I am proud it has recognised the work that has been done in making business accessible to all.

"I have since returned to my family business and going to the palace to receive the Queen’s Award is a lovely way to mark my achievements.”

Business Secretary Vince Cable handed him the award and said: “It’s wonderful to see that even with a difficult economic climate, individuals such as Mr Saifullah continue to find enterprising ways of working and helping others to establish their businesses.”

Also receiving a Queen’s Award was Linemark, from Rawtenstall, for innovation due to a new device for marking sports pitches.

The firm’s Tony Hold said: “We are very happy to receive this prestigious award, which we believe will help build confidence in our product.

“Our Impact paint system replaces the traditional system of marking sports pitches and is more consistent, faster and more convenient.”