A FLASHER exposed himself to the same two women twice near Turf Moor in Burnley.

The victims, in their 20s and from the Brunshaw area, were targeted as they made their way together into the town centre on Friday night.

Detectives are investigating whether both incidents were a coincidence or if the women were deliberately targeted twice.

The first indecent exposure happened at 10.55pm as the women walked along Brunshaw Road close to the junction of Mizpah Road outside Kath’s Off-licence.

The man spoke to the girls and exposed himself.

Police said the girls were ‘shocked’ and went home.

But after deciding to continue with their plans, they set off walking again and were confronted by the same man on Harry Potts Way 20 minutes later.

The second incident was on a grassed area near elderly residential accommodation in Alice Court, opposite the players entrance at Turf Moor, at 11.15pm.

Police said the flasher again spoke and exposed himself before running off.

No threats were made to the women.

The women then rang the police.

The man is described as white, around 50 years old, slim build, between 5’5” to 5’8” tall, with a local accent.

He was wearing a black bobble-style hat, black long-sleeved fleece and dark pants or jeans.

DC Ash Johnston said: “We are interested in speaking to anyone else who may have encountered a man matching this description, or any potential witnesses to these incidents.”

Contact Burnley CID on 01282 425001 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.