A SUPPLY teacher attempted to solve his debt problems by stealing two laptops from a Blackburn school, a court heard.

Faraz Hussain, 29, of Hozier Street, Blackburn, appeared for sentence, at Preston Crown Court, after previously admitting two counts of theft.

Judge Anthony Russell QC told Hussain the offences were serious and had involved a ‘breach of trust’.

Hussain was sentenced to 26 weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months.

He must also do 200 hours unpaid work, and pay £300 prosecution costs.

Judge Russell said he accepted that Hussain was of previous good character and had not been in trouble before, was remorseful and ashamed.

Stephen Parker, prosecuting, told the court the offences took place between December 2010 and February this year.

Two laptops were taken from Blakewater College, in Blackburn.